Friday, July 10, 2009

Random thoughts.

1) Just how badly can you piss Death off in WoW? Start with an Undead, and make him a Death Knight. Slap on a soulstone. Sprinkle any amount of battle rezzes to flavour.

Mix during a fight against Arthas for most comedic effect.

2) If I had the ability to train mobs onto an NPC, Old Man Barlow would be my first victim. And second. And third. And the trains would continue until the rat bastard coughed up a couple of croc pets.

3) Some days I miss EQ. I remember all the good times I had, even during the hardest times. I can look back fondly upon 3 hour corpse runs, or Plane of Fear break-ins. I even smile when I remember the torment that was the Vex Thal key.

Then I remember all the boring times, and recognize that only parts of EQ I miss. I'm positive the same will be said of WoW when I stop playing it for good.

4) If a cannibal goes to a see a movie, does he have to go alone due to the 'No Outside Food' rule?

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